This documentary projects tells the story of a Ghanian family, specifically the story of Luisa and her two twin children born in Italy, Kiana e Rexley.
Luisa emigrated to Castel Volturno years ago, along with her twin sister, both of them whom received assistance from the NGO Emergency that saved their lives.
Luisa experienced complications during childbirth, and it’s only thanks to Emergency that Kiana e Rexley are alive today.
Five years have passed since their birth, but this family has always stayed in touch with Emergency, not only for the bond that was created, but also due to other health issues that have arisen over time.
Despite all of this, I don’t think I have ever met a family more positive, resilient and united.
I have truly learned a lot while working on this project, and one lesson I will always carry with me is the understanding of what it means to always find a way to look beyond the emergency and to stay together while doing so.